Cassio 2.8.8 – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme

Cassio is a premium AJAX WordPress theme powered by Elementor page builder. It’s suitable for interior agencies, architects, home decoration and landscape designers who want to showcase their creative portfolio with a slick premium touch.
Cassio is focused to amaze your visitors with sophisticated look and feel. It has a large set of grids and showcase sliders that will serve to underline your best portfolio projects.
The theme supports seamless typographic AJAX transitions. The heading you click on will smoothly fly and land on the next page giving that seamless motion experience. This is an exclusive Cassio feature which you’re unlikely to find in other creative wordpress themes.
Cassio is spiced with silky smooth motion effects powered by WebGL and Greensock TweenMax. Those include parallax video backgrounds, sliders distorion effect, on-scroll typography reveal and many more.
The theme is driven by powerful front-end page builder Elementor. It’s easy to use and it allows to build an unlimited number of page layouts. Don’t limit your imagination with default predefined templates – create your own unique ones! Cassio has built-in more than 20 professionaly crafted Elementor widgets which you can use in building your new amazing website with ease.
- Speedy Pages Navigation without Page Refresh
- Exclusive Flying Headings Transitions
- AJAX Compatibility with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Yandex Metrika
- Custom AJAX Code to Init for Advanced Users
- WebGL Distortion Transitions
- Direction Aware Slider Transitions
- Reveal Text Animations
- Smooth Page Scrolling
- Parallax Videos & Images
- Mouse Cursor Follower
- Sticky Header
- Smooth Font Size Scale from Desktop to Mobile screens
- Complete Control per each Heading from Customizer
- Google Fonts Support
- Adobe TypeKit Support
- Self-hosted Custom Fonts Support
- Easy Consistent Spacing throughout All the Website on any Screen Size
- Select Needed Spacing in Standard Elementor Section Widget
- Create Fancy Section Offsets and Overlaps
- Spacing Presets Adjustable from Customizer
- Pre-designed Colors Themes per each Page Section
- Adjustment per each Accent Color from Customizer
- Customizable Preloader
- Images Lazy Loading
- Dual Logo Versions
- Self-hosted Video Backgrounds
- Upload and Use Custom SVG Graphics
- Google Maps with Multiple Custom Markers
- Slug Customization for Custom Post Types
- Translation Ready
- Multi-lingual Website Support
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Updated History
19 September 2022 Cassio 2.8.8 – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme
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