Buy me a coffee PHP Script 2022-05-02

Inspired by our own donation page, we’ve decided to release the script “Buy me a coffee” to our audience. This is a “must have” for any freelancer who wants to monetize their work: content, freebies, tutorials, anything really!
“Buy me a coffee” is a donation page installed on your own server, where your website visitors can reward you for your work. This means no commission other than the usual PayPal fees.
This is a stand alone PHP script, it works regardless of your chosen platform (WordPress, Ghost etc).
No tutorial yet
Updated History
May 2, 2022 - Buy me a coffee PHP Script 2022-05-02
May 2, 2022 - Buy me a coffee PHP Script 2022-05-02
May 2, 2022 - Buy me a coffee PHP Script 2022-05-02
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