BuddyPress User Circles v1.2.2

BuddyCircles:- The BuddyPress User Circles plugin is an add-on for BuddyPress. It allows users to create lists of users, e.g. Family, Close Friends, Colleagues, etc.
- Allow users to create circles of users(or lists of users).
- Filter activity by circles.
- Circle notifications.
And here is a list of all features for site admins:-
- Limit circle creation by roles.
- Configure if the circle will be a top-level tab or be managed under the friends component.
- Restrict who can be added to the circle:- Friends or all members.
- Control circle privacy.
- Automatically create default circles for newly registered members.
- Control notifications for add to circle or remove from the circle.
- Customize notification emails.
BuddyCircles is most suitable when you want your users to have the ability to create multiple lists of users and optionally follow their activity.
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Updated History
Aug 10, 2022 - BuddyPress User Circles v1.2.2
This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)
Password:codetracker.org (if need)