Bookshelf for Real3D Flipbook Addon 1.0.8

Download Bookshelf for Real3D Flipbook Addon Nulled Free CodeCanyon 22714933
Please note that this is an addon plugin for Real3D Flipbook for WordPress It requires Real3D Flipbook for WordPress installed in order to work.
Bookshelf enables you to create shelves for Real3D Flipbooks and add shelves to your posts or pages
Bookshelf appearance is customizable through admin interface. You can customize Shelf image Shelf background color Cover size Cover margin Cover align Cover shadow
Optimized for mobile. Separate options for mobile. Support for dynamic HTML content on pages. Comes with multiple view modes and automatic fallbacks. It is a mature product that offers the best reading experience on all platforms and devices. All future updates are free. Source files and documentation included.
Real3D Flipbook displays your documents as ultra realistic 3D flipbooks with page flip animations, lights and shadows. Easy to use and fully customizable. No flash needed, 100% HTML5. No server side conversion, everything is done at runtime, you just set the pdf file url or images. It supports dynamic HTML content on pages, add youtube video, text, image, link, iframe and style it with inline CSS. Pdf flipbook supports internal and external links and text search with keyword highlighting. It comes with multiple view modes : realistic WebGL mode, fast 3D & 2D mode (CSS only) and Swipe mode with horizontal swipe page transitions. You can choose different view mode for mobile and desktop. It is a mature product that offers the best reading experience on all platforms and devices. All future updates are free. Source files and documentation included.
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Updated History
Nov 22, 2021 - Bookshelf for Real3D Flipbook Addon 1.0.8
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