Better AMP – Add FULL AMP support to your WordPress site. v1.9.12

AMP is going to be an SEO factor soon (Winter is coming!)
and you have to prepare your site and Better AMP do all you have to do! It creates an AMP version of your WordPress site and has many options to customize it.
Complete AMP Support for WordPress
BetterAMP adds complete AMP support to your site to make sure your site will be indexed in all mobile search results as AMP item and makes the best UX for your site visitors.
- AMP support for Categories, Tags, Posts, Pages, Custom Post types…
- AMP Support for WooCommerce
- AMP Support for bbPress
5x Faster Page Load on Mobile
BetterAMP loads your site more than 5x faster than responsive version of your site with loading lower resources and also loading required assets from Google public CDN’s to make sure your site visitors will see your site in blazing speed!
- Optimized for speed
- Complete valid syntax for AMP roles
- Lazy load on Images and Videos
Auto Load as Mobile Theme
You can redirect all your site visitors with mobile devices to AMP version automatically with the help of BetterAMP to create a unique and fast experience for mobile visitors
- Redirects mobile visitors to AMP automatically
- The full mobile version of your site
- Faster than native Apps
- Compatible with all cache plugins
No tutorial yet
Updated History
May 26, 2020 - Better AMP - Add FULL AMP support to your WordPress site. v1.9.12
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