BeoStore – Complete Mobile UI template for React Native v3.9.6

Download BeoStore – Complete Mobile UI template for React Native Nulled Free CodeCayon 19193831
React Native currently creates vibrant wave in mobile application development. “Write once, Run anywhere”, then you can effectively produce mobile app across all platforms including iOS & Android by one language with “Native effect”.
BeoStore eases your journey and saves your time by introducing you how to build the app from scratch and supporting document visually. Simultaneously, BeoStore provides complete beautiful templates integrating diverse animations which you can directly and smoothly apply into React Native. BeoStore supports users by updating templates to match with the latest version from React Native and fixing any potential issue to ensure that every template works well.
Variety and high-quality React Native templates, cool animations and the ease of customizing themes are exclusive benefits of BeoStore. We not only create charming User Interface, excellent User Experience, but also give you control over screen designs and flow of your apps.
Feature list:
– Intro page with parallax effect
– Login: sign up & sign in
– Categories
– Shop with list view and 2 column views.
– Product detail & slide show.
– Cart
– Checkout page: shipping address, payment info, confirm & complete
– Profile: my order, tracking order, wishlist, notification
Note: this’s a UI theme, it has not been a fully integration with the back-end yet.
No tutorial yet
Updated History
Oct 18, 2019 - BeoStore - Complete Mobile UI template for React Native v3.9.6
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