

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon v1.5.8

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon
Allow customers to enter a pay-what-you-want price. This extension adds an option to each download product that lets you enable a "custom" or "pay-what-you-want" price so customers can enter the amount they wish to pay. This is excellent for donation type products. Along with enabling custom prices, you can also set a minimum amount for

Easy Digital Downloads Slack Addon v1.1.3

Easy Digital Downloads Slack Addon
At Easy Digital Downloads, we use Slack all day, every day. Slack is an incredibly powerful and easy to use real time chat application and we're huge fans. This integration between Easy Digital Downloads and Slack makes it incredibly simple for your online store and your team's communication tool to work together.

Easy Digital Download Custom Deliverables Addon v1.1

Easy Digital Download Custom Deliverables Addon
The Custom Deliverables extension for Easy Digital Downloads is perfect for freelancers, or anyone who needs to deliver custom files to their clients. With this extension, each payment record will have a Custom Deliverables interface where you can upload/attach files for the customer. Once you've uploaded the customized files, the customer can download them right from

Easy Digital Downloads Conditional Gateways Addon v1.0.4

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon
This extension allows you to configure payment gateways on a per-download basis. Do you have products that may only be purchased through certain payment processors? This is the perfect extension for you. You can use this extension to enable or disable payment methods based on what is in the customer's shopping cart. Once activated, you

Easy Digital Downloads Purchase Limit Addon v1.2.23

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon
This extension allows you specify purchase limits on a per-product basis. Want to disable a specific file after it's been purchased ten times? Now you can! Simply install this plugin, set your purchase limit, and you're done! It's that simple! Purchase Limits also allows you to limit the dates Downloads are available to be purchased

Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing Addon v3.8.6

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon
Software Licensing for Easy Digital Downloads provides a complete license key generation, activation, and checking system. It allows you to provide license keys along with your digital products that can then be used to properly license and activate the buyer's copy of the software. Whether you are selling WordPress plugins, themes, or any other kind

Easy Digital Downloads Reviews Addon v2.2.2

Easy Digital Downloads Custom Prices Addon
Reviews for Easy Digital Downloads makes it quick and easy for your visitors and customers to review the products offered on your website. Customer reviews can be enabled or disabled on each product individually and options are included to control exactly who can leave reviews on products. Reviews can be limited to verified customers, logged-in users,

Easy Digital Downloads Commissions Addon v3.5.2

Easy Digital Downloads Commissions Addon
This add-on allows you to easily record user commissions when a sale is made. Want to split revenue between multiple users and have all of the math and complicated aspects handled for you? This is exactly what this extension will provide for you. Commissions is the perfect extension for sites that wish to create a

Easy Digital Downloads Mad Mimi Addon v1.0.2

Easy Digital Downloads Mad Mimi Addon
Simple newsletter signups The Mad Mimi add-on for Easy Digital Downloads adds a simple checkbox to your checkout page, allowing users to sign up for your Mad Mimi newsletter right when they make a purchase. Get more subscribers When it comes to digital stores, it’s been proven that people sign up for newsletters more frequently