This Comments Plugin is WordPress 6.0+ compatible.
CommentPress is a small but powerful plugin for wordpress that allows you to insert, edit and delete comment...

Popup Plugin for WordPress – WP 6.0+ Compatible.
The NEW Popup Plugin for Email Subscription
Master Popups is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to convert yo...

GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin is WordPress 6.0+ compatible.
WordPress 3.9+
Master Popups Plugin 2.0+

Master Popups Nulled is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to convert your website visitors into Subscribers and Clients by saving the Email, First Name, Last Name, Phone and other data through Popups and Subscription Forms. Master Popups plugin transform your traffic into leads, sales and signups, the new WordPress popup plugin allows you to grow your email list and boost sales.

The description for CommentPress – Comment System Plugin for WordPress & Ajax Comments is not yet ready, you can click the Developer website link directly below the title on this page and read the detailed description of CommentPress on the developer\'s website.