Airquaty – Air Quality App UI Kit 2 October 20

Air Quality is an application for air pollution control. It informs the users about the level of air pollution around in real-time. This app can also provide some weather information such as: temperature, humidity, real-time air quality index, etc. Moreover, it can tell where the safe areas are in the city so that they can decide to come or not. This app has health recommendations function: it gives users advice to lower their health risk and achieve minimum exposure to pollutants. It also provides relevant information for sensitive groups with asthma or other respiratory diseases. Feel free to go through the whole experience by downloading this UI Kit.
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Updated History
Oct 4, 2020 - Airquaty - Air Quality App UI Kit 2 October 20
Oct 4, 2020 - Airquaty - Air Quality App UI Kit 2 October 20
Oct 4, 2020 - Airquaty - Air Quality App UI Kit 2 October 20
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