Give downloadable products, or product variations, to your customers free of charge.
Create custom product labels that promote your free products, emphasise "Free Shipping" or other exclusive discounts.
Have a sales report email delivered daily, weekly or monthly to your inbox.
Crowdfunding for WooCommerce enables you to create goals and collect donations in a group for an specific target amount.
Add fees to orders based on the selected payment method
Product Disclaimer for WooCommerce helps you display important information to your customers via modal pop-ups. It is the perfect marketing tool for when you need to grab your visitors’ attention.
Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses.
The Table Rate shipping module extends WooCommerce's default shipping options giving you highly customisable shipping options.
Create a membership site using WordPress and WooCommerce. You can restrict your content to members, but you can also “drip” that content over time to schedule when members have access.
Easily setup "new order" and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing.