The WooCommerce Conditional Product Fields at Checkout plugin allows you to display additional product fields at checkout! Fields can be dynamically displayed according to logic rules…and all done ...

The WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees will allow you to easily apply fees (or discount in case the fee value is negative) and to display additional fields in the checkout Billing and Shipping form...

WooCommerce Pres-sales, Time offers & Expiring System (WCPS) is a powerful tool that adds to WooCommerce many new features to plan Pre-sales or Time limited offers
for all products!

The WooCommerce Multiple Customer Addresses & Shipping (WCMCA) allows your registered customers to associate multiple addresses to their profile and to ship cart products to different addresses!

The WooCommerce Support Ticket System (WCSTS) seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce installation adding a system to mange user and order support tickets!
In this way the Shop admin can easil...

WooCommerce: Attach Me! is a woocommerce plugin that allows Shop Managers to attach any kind of file to your clients’ orders. Attach Images, documents, videos, proofs… no limits!
Furthermore, the S...

WooCommerce Order Approval plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce system allowing you to approve or reject all the orders placed by customers!

The WCAS allows you to manage the availability of all your products, scheduling them throughout the day of the week
You will have the flexibility to choose for every day of the week (Monday to Sund...

WCST will let your clients to easily track their orders. You will be able to associate to every order a shipping company and a tracking number. WCST will display tracking info (Company URL and trackin code) directly in “Complete Order” email and “View Order” page. Your clients just clicking on the link generated by WCST will easily track their orders.

Upload any file of any size on the product, cart, checkout, thank you, and/or order details pages! Preview images, add additional costs, fees, and many more options!
LIVE DEMO (please report if n...