Elfsight PDF Embed is the simplest method to display a PDF file on the page of your website. Just a few clicks, your docs will be published on the site, where users can see and download them...

Create sales-generating timers for your website with Elfsight Countdown plugin. Heat up the atmosphere and create a feeling of scarcity for your items, showing how they get sold out right be...

The Elfsight Team is proud to present its plugin for Facebook. Lots of our customers have been asking for it for a long time, and it’s finally here.
Our Facebook plugin is a simple and pow...

With the help of Facebook Chat you Faster responding to clients’ needs on the website. Your website visitors will have access to get in touch with you on Facebook Messenger right from your website....

Elfsight Vimeo Gallery is an easy tool for everyone, who would like to embed Vimeo content on the website. You’re free to shape playlists of videos, display a whole channel, pick the most at...

Elfsight Logo Showcase plugin provide you with the opportunity to Demonstrate your partners and sponsors on the homepage. Your website clients will have access to Showcase logos of your clients, pa...

Elfsight PayPal Button provides a simple way to allow your customers to make payments via PayPal on your website. With the help of the widget, you can create buttons for single payments, sub...

Installing Social Media Icons can boost your popularity website on social media. Your clients will enjoy and will have a new way to stay in touch and become your followers.
Simple Social Icons widg...

Elfsight Portfolio Gallery widget allows you to present your works and projects on your website in the most impressive way. Embed your projects from any sphere: you can upload photos, videos, a...

Using Weather plugin you can easily increase sales of weather-dependent goods and services. Your website visitors will enjoy to up-to-date meteo info with.
Our plugin will surprise you with lots of...